The Scat Cast

Curiosity Killed the George (ft. Josh / Endershroomed)

June 12, 2024 The Scat Cast Season 1 Episode 15

This week the boys have to make some real daring choices. Strawberries or apples? The red pill or the blue pill? Should you ever leave the stove on? What is the best drug to get addicted to?  Should we be allowed to say no? To answer such conundrums, the boys bring on their friend Josh, AKA Twitch streamer @Endershroomed. Along with these questions, Darren puts the group through a real gauntlet of brain rot and meme culture themed hangman/Wheel of Fortune hybrid game. Find out who is the most cultured, and who has the most rotted brain on this week’s episode of the Scat Cast. 

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